Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The time she called 911 on me for no reason

Hello again:

This story took place right after our first court appearance, She was ordered to allow me to see Matilda at her house supervised my her and her mother, at least Once a week for 2 hours, ( I had told them right then and there what was going to happen, and I was not wrong at all) although court ordered the grandma did not come to any of the visits

 The day after Matilda's first birthday I was visiting My daughter at her house with the supervision of her mother.... My mom and step dad and my nephew were also there, So we open all the gifts with Matilda, and one of things I had gotten her was a bubble maker, and I wanted to play with it with her out side in the back yard, but her mother said it was to Hot outside for her ( In her backyard full of trees and shade....) So I said I was going to use it in the house then...

At this point my mom and step dad had taken my nephew outside to play..... wrong move

I turned on the bubble maker and She snatched up my daughter and started screaming like she was being murdered, she ran up stairs to the people that live up there and called 911..

I went outside to tell my mom what just happen and the guy upstairs told me that she is telling the cops i hit her and slammed her AND MY DAUGHTER in a door 3 or 4 times, and that I smashed up her apartment, and the has bruises and Matilda's head is cut opened........ So my mom is like ok lets go get in the car I don't want you getting arrested...

NOOOOOOOO WAY..... I went right back down stairs and sat on the couch and waited for the cops, that way she can't go down there and smash up the apartment...

The cops got there only to find that the house was not smashed Matilda did not have a mark on her body and nether did her mother... but She insisted on going to the hospital, but just she went, she left Matilda at home with the grandma.... the ambulance report and the cops report both state that she was obviously trying to get pull in our court case and was lieing through her teeth! I was let go and she went to the hospital in the ambulance after being told there was nothing wrong with her...

So the next day OH DID YOU THINK THE STORY WAS OVER..... IT'S JUST GETTING GOOD......  So the next day I get a call from the police department telling me they need to come take another statement from me but they need it on audio and that they would come to my house to do it, so I agree ok no problems, we make an appointment and they come to my house

This is when I find out that she went to the police station with her mother to file a complaint on the cops for not arresting me, and she re took her statement about what happened at her house when I was there.
So her whole story changes she said was so concerned about Matilda, said that I split her head opened and she was bleeding, and she was so scared for her daughters life, but when they asked "why did you go to the hospital and leave Matilda at home", she had NOTHING to say, The cops then drove her home, so that could have a look at this "huge gash" on Matilda's head, but when they got there, there was no marks, and when asked where the mark went she said AND I QUOTE  "I don't know, weird, she must be a quick healer". LMFAO REALLY,

So the police had to do some 2 month long investigation on us and on the 2 cops that were on the original call, then I got copies of the report and brought tit to court~~

I'll have dig up the police report one of these days and give it a once over I know I have missed out on a lot of (not so funny but funny none the less) stuff in her restatement

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